Now that we know Climate Change, its causes and effects, what can we do now? I will explain to you, from the heart of BluHomes.
By the way, help me spread awareness by sharing this video to your friends and family. This knowledge that we are sharing is from the heart of BluHomes, brand of homes that are eco-friendly, certified as EDGE Advanced green buildings in the Philippines. Learn more at
Again, help me spread awareness by sharing this video to your friends and family. This knowledge that we are sharing is from the heart of BluHomes, brand of homes that are eco-friendly, certified as EDGE Advanced green buildings in the Philippines. Learn more at
What are the negative effects of Climate Change? Why should I care? I’ll explain to you, from the heart of BluHomes.
Based on the report of Breakthrough National Center for Climate Restoration based in Melbourne, Australia, and is also reported by CNN Philippines, “climate change could pose existential threat by year 2050.” There is a threat to our lives and to the lives of our children and grandchildren because of climate change. Because of global warming, our climate is getting warmer. According to the report, in the year 2050, in a span of only a year, we will experience 100 days of lethal heat that cannot be tolerated by our bodies. Our polar ice caps at the north pole and south pole are melting, and our sea level is rising. Many places around the world will be submerged in water, and many places in the Philippines will be included. Billions of people will need to vacate their homes to seek for higher places, and we might be part of them. Because the water that comes from melting of our polar ice caps are fresh water, the saltiness of our oceans gets diluted. In addition, the heat in our atmosphere are being absorbed by our oceans, that’s why our oceans are also getting warmer. Because of these, many species of fishes and corals will be harmed. By the way, help me spread awareness by sharing this video to your friends and family. This knowledge that we are sharing is from the heart of BluHomes, brand of homes that are eco-friendly, certified as EDGE Advanced green buildings in the Philippines. Learn more at Because of the heating of our climate, our soils become dryer and their moisture is getting depleted that are needed by our crops for our fruits and vegetables. Our food production will have a problem and we will experience food shortage. Many people will starve. Because of global warming, the waters in our oceans evaporate more quickly, and there is now more moisture content in our atmosphere. This will cause more sever and more frequent storms in the future. Because of the warming, the moisture content of the plants and trees in our forests get depleted, and forest fires will be more rampant, that will destroy our forests. Habitats of many species of animals and insects will be at risk. Why should your care? Your children, your grandchildren, and the future generation will face a huge problem in the future because of your actions and poor decisions today. You said you want your children and your grandchildren to inherit a better life, but you will inherit to them climate change and its problems. Will you allow this? The good news is that we can do something about this, today. This will be discussed in part 3. Again, help me spread awareness by sharing this video to your friends and family. This knowledge that we are sharing is from the heart of BluHomes, brand of homes that are eco-friendly, certified as EDGE Advanced green buildings in the Philippines. Learn more at We always hear the words Climate Change, but what is it really in simple terms? What are its causes? I’ll explain to you, from the heart of BluHomes.
Climate Change is not the typical changing of weather where it is rainy today, and tomorrow it is sunny. Or where it is cold today, and tomorrow it is hot. That is not Climate Change. Climate Change is the change of the average condition of the earth in the long term. One example of this is Global Warming, the warming of the average temperature of the world these past 50, 100 years based on the studies of scientists. This graph from NASA shows the fast increase of the average temperature of the Earth starting in the 1950s. What happened in the 1950s? Third Industrial Revolution, where the manufacturing industry and the automobile industry boomed all over the world. The burning of fossil fuels, emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and pollution have been rampant. Shown in this graph also from NASA the line where the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere has never been passed in the history of the Earth. But in the 1950s, during the Third Industrial Revolution, the trend has spiked has passed this line. This is strong evidence that Global Warming is caused by human activities, not a natural cycle of the globe. What is the cause of global warming? By the way, help me spread awareness by sharing this video to your friends and family. This knowledge that we are sharing is from the heart of BluHomes, brand of homes that are eco-friendly, certified as EDGE Advanced green buildings in the Philippines. Learn more at The main source of energy in our homes and buildings are mainly from coal-fired power plants, which burns fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. Aside from this, our cars burn off gasoline and diesel that also releases these greenhouse gases. This means that carbon dioxide and all other greenhouse gases are increasing in our atmosphere. What will happen? When solar energy from the sun hits the Earth, some of the energy gets reflected back to space, but some energy is trapped inside our atmosphere. Because of these greenhouse gases, more solar energy is being trapped inside our atmosphere. This is called Greenhouse Effect that causes global warming and climate change. So what if the globe is warming? Why should I care? That is what I will share with you in part 2. Again, help me spread awareness by sharing this video to your friends and family. This knowledge that we are sharing is from the heart of BluHomes, brand of homes that are eco-friendly, certified as EDGE Advanced green buildings in the Philippines. Learn more at |
Eco Friendly HomesBluHomes are eco-friendly homes certified as green building developments. See the latest eco-friendly developments of BluHomes by clicking here:
February 2024